Tell Halaf Grabungsprojekt

Area C

Katharina Schmidt

In the season of 2010, work in the area of the «Nordost-Palast» continued and the Hellenstic and Neo-Assyrian structures were further investigated (Fig.1).

Hellenistic structures
In the season of 2010 Hellenistic structures of level C04 were excavated in different areas of investigation. A new trench was opened along the eastern edge of square 7815. A few centimeters beneath the surface of the tell, three walls were uncovered. Their relationship to building CH 1, discovered the year before, cannot be determined yet, because the connections of the walls had to remain undisturbed. In this area one of the most beautiful objects made of precious metals of level C04 was found: a completely preserved gold earring, probably dating back to the late Parthian period.

The long trench (squares 7515/7615) west of courtyard CF was further excavated, as well. There, a large terrace with at least two layers of pebbles was revealed. Its dimensions have not been established yet. Pottery finds, among them also examples of fine wares, date the structure back to the Hellenistic period. A ramp-like structure, with a foundation built of large broken stones, was connected to the pebble floors in the east. Further interpretations of this context will have to wait for the results of future campaigns.

Neo-Assyrian structures
Another goal of the 2010 season was to investigate the extent of courtyard CF of level C07 on a larger scale. Thereby, more of the already partly excavated stone-slab pavement running north-south through the courtyard was brought to light. However, a northern boundary wall of the courtyard has not been reached yet. Northeast of the excavated area, next to the stone-slab pavement, great amounts of slag and metal fragments were found in very ashy soil, covered by another layer of ashes. It cannot be ruled out that this may be a hint for the existence of metal production (Fig. 2).

In compartment CG, on the western border of courtyard CF, two fragments of cuneiform tablets were recovered during the excavations. Only few signs have been preserved. One of the tablets may be a legal document, the other is badly damaged on the side of the inscription (Fig. 3).

South of courtyard CF another trench was opened. Here, a northwest-southeast bound wall with a threshold and a pivot-stone belonging to level C06 was revealed. South of the wall, a small part of a room has been preserved. On the floor we found room-inventories in the form of complete vessels (Fig. 4).

(Translation: A. Sollee / B. Sollee)

1Overview over the entire Area C from south (Photo: D. Vogel)
2Stone pavement in the north of courtyard CF (Photo: D. Vogel)
3Overview of courtyard CF (Photo: D. Vogel)
4Wall with threshold in the south of courtyard CF (Photo: D. Vogel)
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