Tell Halaf Grabungsprojekt

Excavation 2010

Elisabeth Katzy, M.A. / Katharina Schmidt

In the season of 2010 the following goals were set up: the Halaf and ‘Obed periods within the more than five meter strong prehistoric levels of settlement were to be investigated. Especially on the northern slope, von Oppenheim’s former sounding offers an opportunity to uncover late Neolithic and Chalcolithic settlement structures.

The continuation of the work at the «West-Palast», on the «Lehmziegelmassiv» and at the «Nordost-Palast» give reason to expect, that it will be possible to follow an uninterrupted evolution of settlement from the Early Iron Age to the Hellenistic period. Thus, for the first time, it will be possible to establish an adequate typology for the development of wares and shapes of the pottery from the Early Iron Age to the Neo-Assyrian period in this region, which is required for a more precise dating of the material. The excavations at the «West-Palast» and the «Nordost-Palast» promise new insights to the building histories of both buildings. Thus, they contribute to verifying the present picture of the development of the architecture.

Special Studies
We would like to thank the team of the Tokyo University of Science, led by Prof. Dr. Izumi Nakai and Dr. James Lankton, who determined the material of selected objects of frit, fayence, glass and glazed pottery from Tell Halaf in the course of their research.

Team 2010

Area A
Raphaela Heitmann, M.A. (Vorderasiatisches Museum Berlin)
Helen Gries, M.A. (Universität Mainz)

Area B
Dr. Jörg Becker (Universität Halle)
Laszlo Simon, Student (Universität Tübingen)
Nicola Scheyhing, Studentin (Universität Tübingen)
Marina Skaletz, Studentin (Universität München)
Huzaifa Zakariya, Student (Universität Damaskus)

Area C
PD Dr. Mirko Novák (Universität München)
Samer Abdel Ghafour (Antikenverwaltung Damaskus)
Katharina Schmidt, Studentin (Universität München)
Henrike Backhaus, Studentin (Universität Heidelberg)
Maram Diab (Antikenverwaltung Damaskus)
Yasin al-Kader, Student (Ras el-Ain)
George Hanna, Student (Hassake)
Julanar Jandal, Studentin (Universität Damaskus)

Area E
Prof. Dr. Winfried Orthmann (Mandelbachtal)
David Kertai, M.A. (Universität Heidelberg)
Sharlyn Lhuillier, Studentin (Universität Heidelberg)
Hannah Mönninghoff, Studentin (Universität München)

Area G
Alexander Sollee, M.A. (Universität München)
Jennifer Ströber, Studentin (Universität Tübingen)

Indoor Service
Small objects – first listing:
Elisabeth Katzy M.A. (Universität Tübingen)
Mareike Ahlers, Studentin (Universität Heidelberg)

Small objects – documentation:
Gabriele Elsen-Novák, M.A. (Universität Tübingen)
Cornelie Wolff, Arch. Zeichnerin (Universität München)
Felix Wolter (Universität Heidelberg)

Documentation of the Hellenistic material:
Elisabeth Katzy, M.A. (Tübingen)

Laura Simons, M.A. (Universität Tübingen)

Dorothee Brück, Dipl.-Rest. & Goldschmiedin (Freiberuflich tätig, Paderborn)
Barbara Neubauer, Studentin (Hildesheim)
Daniel Meyer, Plastik- und Skulpturenmaler / Gipskunstformer (Gipsformerei Staatliche Museen zu Berlin)

Dr. Uwe Sievertsen (Universität Tübingen)
Eva Ťuchova, M.A.(Universität Bratislava)
Sharlyn Lhuillier, Studentin (Universität Heidelberg)
Julia Lutz, Studentin (Universität Tübingen)

Dr. Simone Riehl (Universität Tübingen)

Svenja Partheil, Dipl. Biol. (Universität Hildesheim)

Karsten Malige, Dipl.-Ing. (Ingenieurbüro Malige - Vermessung & Geoinformation, Muggensturm)
Alexander Pontz, Vermessungstechniker (Ingenieurbüro Malige - Vermessung & Geoinformation, Muggensturm)

Epigraphic Finds:
Prof. Dr. Andreas Fuchs (Universität Tübingen)
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Röllig (Universität Tübingen)

Technical Support:
Dieter Vogel, Student (Universität Tübingen)

Geophysical Studies
Armin Gruber, Dipl.-Geol. (Freiburg)
Birthe Hemeier, M.A. (Universität Heidelberg)
Christian Hübner, Dipl.-Geol. (Freiburg)

Local Workforce
80 workers from Tell Halaf

Again, we were happy to welcome many guests to our dig and to explain the newest results to them.

Our special thanks goes out to the official delegations of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz/Staatliche Museen zu Berlin for taking great interest in our Tell Halaf Excavation Project.

(Translation: A. Sollee / B. Sollee)

1Areas of excavation (map)
2Team 2010 (Photo: L. Simons)
3Area B: Work in progress 2010 (Photo: K. Malige)
4Area E: Work in the lower town (Photo: K. Malige)
5Indoor Staff (Photo: K. Schmidt)
6Discussion with the restorer (Photo: K. Schmidt)
7Area G: Work in progress 2010 (Photo: K. Malige)
8Area A: Work in progress 2010 (Photo: K. Malige)
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All texts and pictures on this website are
property of the Tell Halaf Excavation Project.